Curl in Python

Curl is a powerful command-line tool for transferring data over various protocols, most commonly HTTP. It is widely used for testing APIs, downloading files, and performing network requests. In the context of Python, integrating Curl can simplify many tasks, allowing developers to make HTTP requests efficiently.

Curl in Python
Curl in Python

What is Curl?

Curl stands for "Client URL" and is a command-line tool for making network requests. It's versatile and can handle many protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. Developers use Curl for testing APIs, automating file downloads, and interacting with web services. A basic Curl command looks like this:


Why Use Curl in Python?

Integrating Curl with Python combines the power of Curl's command-line capabilities with Python's versatility and ease of use. This integration is beneficial for automating tasks, making HTTP requests within Python scripts, and handling responses programmatically. Libraries like requests make it even easier to convert Curl commands to Python code, streamlining development workflows.

Converting Curl to Python

Converting Curl commands to Python requests is straightforward if you are only requesting a URL without headers. If your requests contain several headers or have a huge body, it can be painful. The fastest and easiest way to convert curl commands to Python is using Curl2Url.

You just paste your Curl, press "Generate URL" and then press "Download code" icon, there you can choose to download curl code to Python or other programming language.

Using Curl in Python Scripts

To run Curl commands directly from Python, you can use the subprocess module. Here's how:

        import subprocess

curl_command = 'curl'
result =
This approach is useful for running Curl commands as they are, without converting them to Python requests.

Example to run Curl in Python

Automating Curl tasks can save time and reduce errors. Here's an example script to automate a Curl HTTPS GET request:

import subprocess

def fetch_data(url):
    curl_command = f'curl {url}'
    result =
    if result.returncode == 0:
        return result.stdout
        return f"Error: {result.stderr}"

url = ''
data = fetch_data(url)
This script defines a function to run a Curl command and handle errors.


Using Curl in Python can streamline your workflow and automate many tasks. By converting Curl commands to Python requests, you can leverage Python's capabilities to handle complex HTTP requests and responses efficiently. The fastest way is Curl2Url.

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